Thursday, August 02, 2007

The metn elections: are they a good thing or a bad thing?

First I'll get the obvious out of the way: it's in extremely poor taste to run against a man who's running for a post that opened up due to the assassination of his son. I am not one who enjoys seeing "inherited" political positions, though I must say , in case of assassinations, even I will suspend this credo against inbred transfer of posts. In this case of course, there is a double tragedy in that not only is this an assassination related inheritance, but it's also a reverse-inheritance, from son to father.

However, that fact aside, I wonder how bad is it for the election to be contested:

In the event that Gemayel wins, the post remains in the hands of M14, and the opposition can't claim that the election was bogus because it wasn't signed in by Lahood, because they actually ran in it. (I know Aoun is contesting the elections as well as running in them, such schizoid behaviour is beyond my understanding so I will just ignore it for now).

If Aoun wins, well that's pissy, but that's the democratic process for you, and aren't we all claiming that we want a proper democracy (even at the cost of our respective side)? Again, if he wins, then the post will move over to the pro-syrian side which is bad, but at least Aoun is faux pro-sryian and there is hope that he will later (be forced by circumstances to) revert to his original anti-syrian tenets. Also, if Aoun does win, his team will be branded as the kind of heartless mobs who find ways of taking advantage of someone else's tragedy.

My big fear is that all hell will break loose when one side loses, and somebody must lose every time .

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